Oregon Haunted Attractions

Haunted Attractions in Oregon 2025

Packed with the most exciting haunted attractions that can be found in the great state of Oregon, HauntedOregon.com is the essential resource for horror lovers in the state. A substantial supply of Haunted Houses gets things off to an exciting start with indoor destinations that are sure to leave visitors paralyzed with fear. Haunted Hayrides, Mazes, and Trails bring the terrors to the state's renowned farms and favorite nature spots in the form of mummies, witches, vampires, and werewolves. Yard Haunts offer unique spins on the traditional attractions by allowing Oregonians to create nightmarish scenarios in their own homes. Had enough of being frightened and want to strike back? Zombie Paintball facilities are perfect for blowing off a little steam and sending those zombies back to where they emerged from. Regardless of the caliber of horror experience you're looking for this Halloween, HauntedOregon.com will direct you to the attractions that are perfect for every situation. So whether you're planning a family outing, date night, or Saturday evening with friends, there are monsters crawling all over Oregon that are waiting to make your acquaintance.


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My Morbid Mind
Lacey, WA

My Morbid Mind Haunted House began as a Halloween display on the front porch of a house in suburban Lacey. Trick or Treaters would creep through a small gauntlet of horrors to reach the front door and... Read More

In Your Town